Don’t Ignore these 5 Symptoms of Alternator Trouble

L&S MotorWerks • Apr 22, 2024

Your car's alternator is responsible for charging the battery and powering the electrical system while the engine is running. When the alternator starts to fail, it can lead to a range of issues, and may even leave you stranded. At L&S MotorWerks, we provide expert European alternator replacement and auto electric repair in the greater Elk Grove, CA area. Here’s a look at five signs of an alternator problem.

Dimming or Flickering Lights

One of the most common signs of alternator trouble is dimming or flickering lights on the dashboard or headlights. The alternator provides power to the electrical system, including the lights. If you notice your lights behaving strangely, it could indicate a failing alternator.

Strange Noises

A healthy alternator operates quietly, but a failing one may produce unusual noises. Listen for grinding, whining, or squealing sounds coming from the engine area. These noises could be caused by worn-out bearings, a loose belt, or other internal issues within the alternator.

Weak/Dead Battery

While a dead battery doesn't always mean there's a problem with the alternator, it's often a sign of trouble. The alternator is responsible for charging the battery while the engine is running. If the alternator fails to do so, the battery will eventually lose its charge, resulting in a car that won't start or requires frequent jump-starts.

Problems with Electrical Accessories 

Problems with various electrical components in your car—such as power windows, radio, or air conditioning—can indicate alternator issues. If these systems are malfunctioning, it could be due to inconsistent power supply from a failing alternator.

Dashboard Warning Light

If the warning light for your charging system illuminates, you may have a faulty alternator. Warning lights should not be ignored. By getting to the shop promptly to address the issue, you may save yourself from ending up stranded and needing assistance. 

European Alternator Replacement & Auto Electric Repair in Elk Grove, CA

When you need European auto repair in Elk Grove and the surrounding area, contact L&S MotorWerks at (916) 892-5131. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

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